Monday, September 24, 2007

the 25th hour

C. V. Gheorgheu in his novel THE 25th HOUR, took me with the main character, Moritz from Romania, to Hungary, then to Germany then to France in a travel of suffering in the 2nd world and all the suffering he got was due to the other's misinterpretation of his race and religion.
To the European reader this novel may seem part of a far almost unbelievable history, but to me as an Iraqi, it may seem like talking about the days am still living..
Can societies learn from each others? Unfortunately, I don't think so.


Anonymous said...

I WISH socities could learn from each best friends in college were from...when very young (18) Chile and when older (22) Iran and I loved both of these men as friends soooo very much and I miss them so much. I loved learning about their culture and homelands and just having them as dear friends. Now where I live there is a large East Indian group of people and I would love to get to know some of them, but I have no idea how to even try to go about it without being or appearing rude...I had some East Indian friends in University at the same time as Ghaffar (Iranian friend) and such joy it was to know them. There are also several people at work who are Latino and they are really nice, I try to learn some little Spanish so I can at least greet them and speak a little....sigh, what to do, Dr. Sami...?

I hope you are well, always, tracy

saminkie said...

dear Tracy, learning some words of other language help refresh your mind...and people with 2 languages suffer less from dementia...I think you are an openminded person who loves to learn things from life..I think also you got some emotional intelligence, an intellegence enough to communicate even without language...

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr. Sami,

I think the same about you. Thank you for saying a nice thing to me, it really helps me. especially at this time of my life...
May I ask the meaning of the art painting you use on your blog? It is very intriging and most fascinating.

thank you for a great you and a great blog,


saminkie said...

Dear Tracy, I want to answer your question but I don't knowe what you mean by ART PAINTING I use?...thank you for your care...

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr. Sami,
I mean the little picture next to your name...
Thanks, tracy

saminkie said...

Dear Tracy it is the picture of INKIE, a sumerian god, before him the earth was dry, earth was a female, he slept with her, and from his semen came the 2 rivers of Tigris and Euphrates, and came life and wisdom....the symbol of that god is a container from which two rivers originate and flow...but that painting is drawn by an iraqi artist i forgot his name but I will search for his name for you...

saminkie said...

the artist name is ALI AL TAJIR and you can find his drawings in this site

with best regards...