Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Ali and Edmund Husserl

When I first shared a room with my coleague Dr. Wisam Ali Ameen, and he knew am a psychiatrist, the first question he asked me was: Do you know horsa? or hussro? or husserl? or I don't know how they call him? When I said : No, sorry I don't know him...Dr. Wisam told me that I got to meet Dr. Ali Omari...
I met Dr. Ali Omari that day and after he welcomed me in my knew lodgment he asked me while giving me a red eye: Do you know Edmund Husserl? I answered with some embaressment that I don't know him....and to my great embaressment Dr. Ali replyed that all Iraqi psychiatrist don't know him....
The next days was full of expanations and elaborations on phenomenology from Dr. Ali who was talking with highly expressed emotions cause he was annoyed that am a psychiatrist and doesn't know about Husserl...
I only met Dr. Ali these days online, and he told me about another philosophe, and that was Jacque Derrida,.....I new that name but I know nothing more than he is a specialist in linguistics...and that really bothered Dr. Ali....
Anyway without my arguings with Dr. Ali I would have not known Husserl, nor Derrida, so that helped me alot..and enriched my mind...
Well does Dr. Ali has the right to be critical to Iraqi psychiatrists because they don't know about philosophical schools?

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