Monday, July 30, 2007
Shared Maniac Delusion
I start to screen for mania by asking this question of: do you believe you can fix all Iraqi problems? as a screen for grandiose delusion.
One of the diagnosed patients with mania say: Its very easy man, just give me a huge container of petrol and I will put it in Baghdad's centre and all people can come and take all the petrol they need and thats all...
Another said: just give me a little piece of land in Baghdad with green grass to built my tent on it and then I will fix it all..
Friday, July 27, 2007
pessimisim Vs. optimism
year a report said that the probability to be killed in Iraq has raised 50 folds...but inspite of that we believe that harm will not reach may reach others...but not us...
In sociology this is called unrealistic optimism.
We believe that we are at lower risk than others and that others' actions are more risky than ours.
when I think about that I get depressed, cause am living in Iraq, and I don't want to be trapped by that social misperception of unrealistic optimism.... does that means I must be a realistic pessimist?...
Pessimism can help me to be away from dangers....but...if i can do nothing about will only bring me good deal of depression...
Optimism is unreal but it helps to keep us healthy...
I remembered the Swiss story of William Tell and the apple above his son's head...and how he succeed in hiting the apple and not his son's head..
If there is an apple above my head...
I will not wait for someone to shoot...I will take it in my hands and bite it.... is delicious...just take your bite..
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Help me to diagnose (case 2)
Since 1 month and the patient is having difficulties in performing learned skills like cooking food and washing dishes and clothes and taking care of her children….yet the patient got no difficulty at all in remembering names of persons, objects, nor having any difficulty in language.
When she is given cues about how to do a previously learned skill she remembers the skill easily and start to do it with ease.
Her husband noticed that she had difficulty in taking decisions, and always responds to his suggestions by "I don't know", or by "as you like", even to simple daily decisions.
Before 3 years, after moving from Beigit to Mosul and a change in economic status due to loss of her job as a teacher due to the political change after the war of 2003 in Iraq, she started to have strange sensation in her head (tingling), and difficulty in getting asleep for 20 days followed by going out of her house suddenly one morning and making a long trip to unknown cause to multiple places and going back late in the evening to home.
She continued to have difficulty in sleep and abused benzodiazepines, but she start later to have some repetitive non goal directed movements, poor appetite, decrease speech, self neglect, and lastly hearing voices giving commands.
She first visited a psychiatrist in 2005, and was treated by a combination of drugs. But after few months she also left the house suddenly, but this times she phoned her husband telling him that she was kidnapped by a gang, she was found to be calling from a public phone and that she was lying, that was explained by her that she wanted to kill herself, without leaving a trace…
After having a still birth in late 2005 she wrote a letter and left in the house stating that she was kidnapped by a gang and no need to search for her…
She was found after that in the streets after trying to through herself from a bridge as she claims…
Since the beginning of her condition and she never went back to her previous functioning
Got no family history of mental illness
Mental State Exam.:
Middle aged lady, clean, skin rash in her face, tense, sitting restless on the edge of the chair and wringing her hands, cooperative, obedient, but perplexed.
Scanty speech with low voice.
Got command hallucinations asking her to kill herself…
Cognitive exam reveals poor concentration, attention, and memory.
Franz Fanon and Biological Racism

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Mwnnqithe The Box Of Poems

Ali and Edmund Husserl

Saturday, July 14, 2007
Do I Lover Her (final episode)
After she told me that that day I went to my room quitly, eat my dinner slow and alone as usual, then took off my clothes slowly, went to the bath, I took a long shower but I did not use soaps or shampoo, actually I just stand under the water, I was not thinking, but something was going on in my mind, I don't know what is it...
At night I saw a film by Woody Alen where he loved a woman and he tryed to find a man for her...that comedy made me must go on....
Here he is trying to made her look sexy..
They went to buy something before he got her introduced to the new man...
He leaves them alone her to know each other more...
Well....I will no more write in my blog about this lady....I hope she enjoys her life....I think I can control my emotions at this stage....hope I can treat her as a friend and forget about this love thing....
Thursday, July 12, 2007
A castle and a tomb on the river
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Here is the main street where doctors clinics (the famous ones) are here:

And you may see coffeshops every where even in the secuare between main streets...

Water flow through the small tunnels in the street carrying waste products..
Friday, July 06, 2007

Sorry Saad My Friend

A walk with sheeps

from hospital's balcony
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Lost in papers
These days my table is very diverse in its content… and I don't know really how I come to include all these into my reading list…actually it is wrong cause am lost…and I do not get enough information from one topic till I shift to the other…well it makes me feel little disappointed….we usually get illegally copied textbooks of psychiatry…
Music the unthinkable…
It was nearly successful….yeah….but….today….after the panoramic fast rotatory circulatory colored noisy morning of work in the psychiatric ward in the hospital with the exact number of clients that you need to be little drowsy and little eccentric as if you are yourself kind of a client (sometimes the word client is used instead of patient when you want not to label a person seeking the psychiatric help as a patient)…so…it was nearly successful till this afternoon when I felt like I have drunk a pint of bear …or make it 2 please….so…I was smiling with my self a second…not knowing why…then become little sad….with myself…and I don't know why again….seems to be some remnants of some parts of some stories I just heard this day in the morning… I went to the room of meetings in the ward...opened the computer…I got there a song of George Michael called "this is not real love" and this song was sent to me by that lady…who confused me a little….am writing now while the headphones are in my head stimulating my head from both sides…holding my head from my ears…and I think now am little….
What to say…this is something cannot put it in words….the song and that lady…well….
I bet this is love……