Friday, November 16, 2007

you know what (part 10) while smoking

the lighter had just flamed my white light one...the blonde gauloises...and ...and.......the muscle relaxation is still not started....i will wait till it start...then write again...

you know what....the relaxation had come but with it come a very bad thing to come while smoking... A HICCUP !!!! taking a breath in....made a hiccup...then blow the know really feeling really silly and crazy now....and laughing loud alone.....

A breath in....a hiccup...then blow the smoke....does that happen to you before.....let me try to continue me you know association...( I think the reader will get bored with the repetition of this term...freee association again and again..but my mind is empty these to empathise with me)...

the cigarette has just ended in the ...what trashy? ashtry? the thing that we put the cigarette in when it end...and my ideas is also running blank nothing more to say now....take care and bye bye

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Smoking is bad for your health....
but so is living in Iraq!
Another wink for my friend
Suzy xx