Monday, July 30, 2012

The Maturity of Le Petit Prince

“The poeticallity of age is in the sustainability of surprising” Mahmood Abdul-Wahab

How can we define “being mature”? The answer is easier if we are talking about a fruit, a pear for example. But even for a pear, if we let the human judge its maturity, then the judgment will vary relatively from one person to another. Me, myself, was a witness of an argument between two old men about the question: when a banana can be regarded mature enough to be eaten?

And come and apply this question to human beings themselves. When we are mature and what is maturity. If we try to digitalize the problem then we will find some results: most of the world regard as 18 as the years enough to make a human being mature.

In the old times sexual maturity was the mark of being a mature man or woman. In the old times, when we needed less years of education to graduate to the society and hold a job (farming for example), we will be economically and sexually mature at the same time. Some pretend that societies were very immature that when people reach the age of 13 or so, they are not only economically and sexually mature, but also socially mature.

What is the age of “Le Petit Prince” that Antoine Saint Exupéry had met once when the engines of his airplane syncoped over the immense reality of the desert? 

The pilot was alone in the face of the desert when the “petit” prince came posing his questions. When the pilot’s faked maturity was exposed to the questions of the “petit” prince, he remembered his childhood and his drawings. The pilot returned to the child inside of him and wrote us a masterpiece that will be read and re-read again and again over centuries.

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