Farha means a moment of happiness. It can be used as a name of female. I named this girl in the photo as Farha. Farha got a big smile. Shining face. Joyful hair. Green clothes. She seems living more on earth than me. I lived most of life on 2nd floors. I work in 2nd floors. Even when I walk I put a shoe, cause earth in my city is full of industrial waste products. Farha is free to run barefoot in her land which is full of god made creatures. Her laughter is louder than mine. Her teeth are whiter. Her legs are stronger. Her jump is higher. Farha is more real. Farha is living more than me. I put her above my study .Above all books. Hoping that one day I would be free to run barefoot in Farha’s land.
Excelent posting and nice photo, Saminkie. Thank you.
have a good weekend
Beautiful! If one can find peace in their mind, then one is at peace. If a picture takes your mind to a place of peace, you are at peace. Farha, what a beautiful name. ~Deborah
thank you david santos and indigo-daisy for your nice words I was really hapy to recieve them.
I've just added your blog to the blogroll over at Iraqi Bloggers Central.
You have an very interesting blog here and I'm in the process right now of reading through your archives.
Blog on!
i wrote to you many times that I am Mama and have my own blog www.youngmammy.blogspot.com.
in fact I work near ibn sena hospital ,i see you often,but feel shy to come near and introduce my self.I like your writings and look for more.feel free to write to me ,please, on affectionatemammy@yahoo.com
dear young mammy am very sorry am not in Mosul anymore to see you, but am really glad that i know about you from your blog, thank you for your nice words and encouragement, these things really made me feel happy...thank you, take care...
Hell Dr. Al Bedri, i just wanted to say Salaam before i go off to work, where i will drink tea with you, i hope and pray you are well, love, tracy
You know my dream was to become a shrink! I'm now becoming an engineer! Anyway, keep the good work, Doc.!
pssssst, Dr. Al Bedri, time to up date us on what you are doing...and more importantly, how you are doing!
with love, tracy
thank you Tracy, for asking, am good, doing well, but have no internet connection. i can get access to internet by my mobile but can not publish a comment. i can only publish posts. and also the keyboard of the mobile is so small. anyway i miss you so dear. i will drink tea today with you. ok? take care and byebye.
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